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Bach Flower Remedies for your four-legged friends

Bach Flower Remedies for your four-legged friends

Bach Flower Remedies for your four-legged friends

Here at Poppy's Picnic, not only do we strongly believe a natural, raw diet is the best and healthiest option for our furry friends, we also feel natural remedies are the most effective healing option for both dogs and humans alike. 

Have you heard of Bach Flower Remedies? Dr. Edward Bach discovered the power of flowers in nature in improving our emotional health, which over time can improve our overall physical wellbeing too. This is also true for pets.

The Bach Flower Remedies work harmoniously with herbs and homeopathy which can be helpful for pets struggling with restlessness, anxieties, fears and general distressed behaviours in exactly the same way they can help us humans. For our four-legged friends, the struggles they can face may include adjusting to their new surroundings after moving homes, fear of thunder and fireworks, or overcoming a past traumatic experience. With the current Coronavirus situation, your dogs may also feel restless due to being taken out on less on outdoor walks or feel anxious from having too many people in the house at one time during lockdown. 


Poppy's Picnic is excited to introduce Robin Bate, a qualified Bach Flower Remedies expert and practitioner since 1996 who is based in Edinburgh. He has hosted various workshops and talks, as well as counselled and prescribed Bach Flower Remedies for hundreds of people and pets. 

Robin is now able to carry out his consultation services to you for your pets via email or phone to help with any struggles your dog or other pets may be facing. To get started, all he would need from you is a few details about your pet and what is troubling it. He will then recommend the best remedies for you to order from Amazon, along with instructions on how to use them.

You can arrange a consultation directly with Robin via his email address robin.bate(at)yahoo.com or call him on 078 7779 7603. 


*Terms and Conditions: Our discount code applies only for your first consultation with Robin. All payments are to be made to his Paypal account. 

Disclaimer: Bach Flowers Remedies do not replace any veterinary advice.