Agility queen, and Young Kennel Club competitor, Jess Cuthbertson is officially a new Poppy’s Picnic ambassador and we’re thrilled to be a part of her journey as she takes this season by storm. She’s chosen Poppy’s Picnic to fuel her top performing pups and we couldn’t be happier to support them all. Here, Jess introduces her family of pups. Be sure to follow her progress on our social media and follow her directly at @jess.cuthbertson on Instagram and ‘Jess Cuthbertson - SkyePaws Agility Training’ on Facebook.
Having been competing in various agility competitions and courses as a Young Kennel Club (YKC) competitor since I was 12 years old, dog agility is not just my passion and career, it has become second nature to myself and my dogs who i’m very happy to introduce to you, Poppy’s Pals!
Currently, we have five Border Collies and one German Spitz called Lucy, Skye, Sasha, Cuba, Puerto Rico and Teddy - 4 of which we’ve had since they were puppies and 2 of which are my gorgeous rescues. As you can imagine, we always have our hands full at home ( the best possible way!).
I’m sure like any other pet parent, I am completely in awe of my doggies and would love to introduce you to them. Lucy is our first dog and being 9 this year, is the oldest out of the six; she is so lovely and kind. She only competes for fun now and then, as she mostly enjoys running round the field these days.

Sasha is our first rescue who is completely cheeky - we call her Little Miss Stubborn! Her agility career was cut short due to shoulder injuries but she still enjoys going at the smaller height jumps.

And then there’s Teddy, who is our second rescue dog and is the only one who doesn’t get involved in agility, instead he just enjoys being our fur baby… although he does do the odd tunnel if he’s in the mood and wants to join in on the action!

The two youngest of the pack, Cuba and Puerto Rico are my perfect puppies. Cuba is the first puppy I’ve had with the Bon Bellami Cuban Princess breedline and I can’t put into words how amazing she is. At just two years old, she’s won into Grade 4 in KC agility grading (Grade 7 being the highest) and was chosen to represent Team GB with me. Puerto Rico is Cuba’s cousin and our newest addition to the family, he’s simply the sweetest dog ever.

Last but not least, we have Skye, who I’ve named my SkyePaws Agility Training school after. She’s 7 years old this year and is my first love. She is the most perfect first agility dog anyone can have and I wouldn’t be doing any of this if I didn’t meet her all those years ago. She was my companion from the beginners course right through to when I represented Team GB twice. With the puppies; Cuba and Rico coming through, Skye’s agility career is starting to slow down but we’re enjoying every moment we have together, and our main aim now is to take care of her so she’s healthy and comfortable in her older years.
I’m thrilled to be part of the Poppy’s Picnic family and to have my pups young and old #POWEREDBYPOPPYSPICNIC. Stay tuned for more on my progress throughout this year’s agility season.