We believe feeding complete fresh raw meals to your dog is the most nutritious way to provide an easily digestible, balanced diet. As advocates for fresh feeding, we receive many questions from pet parents looking to do right by their dogs. This National Raw Feeding Week, we answer the most common questions we get asked by pet parents about raw feeding dogs for beginners #NRFW2019
Q. Does raw food contain harmful bacteria putting your dog at risk?
Your dog’s digestive system is built to prevent harmful bacteria from upsetting the healthy balance of their gut. Dogs have highly acidic stomachs as well as natural digestive enzymes that help them process Salmonella without becoming ill. It goes without saying that you should always practice good hygiene protocols when handling raw meat.
Q. Does your food follow DEFRA guidelines?
Developed by dog nutritionists and vets, all our recipes strictly follow DEFRA (Department of Rural, Food and Rural Affairs) guidelines and are handmade using quality ingredients, with no hidden nasties, for improved digestion, healthy skin and coat, and less odorous poos.
Q. Is raw feeding complicated?
Our products are easy to feed and a breeze to fit into your lifestyle. Just as we’re told that fresh food is the healthiest way to eat, the same applies to our four-legged friends. Even just a little boost of fresh food in their lives will make a huge difference and raw feeding can be flexible. Our award-winning Mince and Meatballs are suitable for dogs over 8 weeks and which one you decide to go with will depend on your lifestyle and size of dog.
Q. Are raw fed dogs aggressive?
A fresh raw diet contains no fillers or preservatives which dramatically reduces hyperactivity problems. Poppy’s Picnic raw dog food is completely natural and contains none of the additives that can create havoc with a dog’s health and wellbeing.
Q. Is it dangerous to feed raw bones?
Feeding raw bones is a healthy and integral part of your dog’s diet as they are high in moisture content and very easily digested. They could also be an entertaining way to clean your dog’s teeth. But remember, never feed your dog cooked bones as they can easily split or cause choking.

Please feel free to contact our friendly VIP (Very Important Paws) team with any questions you may have at 01380 716 599 or woof@poppyspicnic.co.uk.
Much kindness,
Dylan and Poppy x
To find out more about Raw Feeding Week, follow Keep the Tail Wagging on social media and the hashtag #NRFW2019.
Shop our fresh, raw dog food here.